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lol. no we're not on drugs mr. t-dot! wats wrong with humaira arshad and faaris, and fakhir?! u asked a question...we answered. lol. who'd u have in mind?! this oughta be good....!
Posted 02 Sep 2003


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i would love 2 see humaira arshad in movies but she's got he cleanest image of all the singers i think, so its wishful thinking on my part!

and i would like to see 'faaris' from mera ghar ek whirlpool hai doing comedy roles in lollywood too!
Posted 02 Sep 2003


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when is it coming to CANADA, man?!?!!! i'm saima's biggest(only) fan on this board, u could imagine how badly i want to see this movie!
Posted 02 Sep 2003


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lol (sanam411 and ayeshakhan_fanatic)


can we STICK to talking abt saima please!?!?!!!

...just kidding...carry on! this is probably the only post with next 2 no arguments or controversies. lets keep it that way! carry on.

but 2 answer ayeshakhan_fanatic's question (if it was a question) saima speaks pujnabi much better than urdu. thats probably cause she's from multan. and out of curiosity, if her movie comes to chi-town like its supposed to, would u go 2 see it??!! (i 4get if i've asked u this already. if so, sorry...just tryin' 2 get things back on track, and talk abt saima) [;)]lol. same with u sanam411...will u watch if the movie comes to your part of town?!!?!
Posted 02 Sep 2003


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shahrukh jee, aapne bhi saima ka peecha chorna hai ke nahin?! lol.

we're talking abt laaj, not larki punjaban. lol. aur laaj mein zara hi teek hai! wouldnt u agree?!
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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lol. now i can sleep easy. khan-saab (teentracker) has met his quota of anti-saima jokes for the day/in this post. lol. [:D]

and madiha718....i get the feeling u were not sincere in your pro-saima comments. lol. but i'll take what i can get! i'll never understand why u guys cant give the lady her due credit tho. never....!

u're right abt it bein' hard 2 find pakistani movies in north america. but if u look hard enough, they should be around! and i'm glad u're getting into lollywood movies! as long as we all give 'em a chance, i'm sure they'll do good.

Posted 01 Sep 2003


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ffm jee, what can i say?! saima's a cool person!!!! lol.[;)]
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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yet another good point t.o_raptors! you're on a roll as far as i'm concerned. if u agree that saima's (a personal favorite of mine) a good actress, you're my new best friend on this board! lol.

as for watching sunday ke sunday...yes, i watch! and box office 2! great shows.

Posted 01 Sep 2003


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so u finally saw laaj, ydakh!?

i'm glad to hear it was good. other than sound and quality, how was the acting? did zara sheikh live up 2 expectations, did the new actor (i think his name is imran khan) prove himself, and how was resham?

and be honest....based on what u u think the movie will be big as YDAKH??!!
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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good point(s) t.o_raptors!

so u like lollywood movies?!?!!! if so, who are your favorites (actor/actress)?!
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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i agree bro, we need these channels too! but ptv prime is as good as it gets for now. lol. and even that's somewhat illegal. lol. but ah well..

the best shows on ptv prime r sunday ke sunday, box office, public boltee hai, your choice and my new favorite drama saas bhi ek maa hai! what r u're favorites??

and as for the leafs'and our new gm, we're set on that front..but we need a solid d-man and a solid #2 center (joey neiwendyk) b4 we get that elusive cup! wouldn't u agree?!

and as for the raps.....that trade was huge. hopefully we're all set 2 go. i'm liking what i'm hearing regarding the new coach too. he sounds like he'll solve alot of our problems!

...feel free 2 private message me, if u wanna continue this sports talk! some of the members might get p/o-ed if we continue to talk abt the two greatest teams in sports on a lollywood board! lol.
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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wats up mr. t.o_raptors?! i'm from hogtown 2! but for me, its leafs all the way! sorry!

and u should get dishnetwrok...then u'll have ptv prime, which is as good as it gets for us. lol.
Posted 01 Sep 2003


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lol. lets not go there again! (even i'm beginning to think it was wrong to compare them. lol)

but it was a just a little comparison which generated quite the discussion! lol. whats done is done tho!

on a more serious note, u should give saima SOME credit! i'm not saying u gotta watch her movies and love her. lol. but don't u think she presented herself half decently at this show?! if u've seen meera and resham and so comparison to them, did she not out-class them in terms of keeping quiet most of the night, not dancing and making a fool of herself, and wearing clothes which covered her up?! minor points, but ones which helped her look classy, no?!! (u'd make my day if u could atleast admit that)! lol.

and on a side u watch lollywood movies in general?! just wondering...(nothing to do with saima or a comparison of any kind). LOL.
Posted 31 Aug 2003


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teen sahib, mein aapke jawaab ka intezaar kar raha houn, in the post entitled "larki punjaban premier on ptv prime"!!! won't u grace us (or atleast me) with your views in that forum, on that topic?!!?!! you KNOW how much i value your opinion! i'm sure u'll have a saima-joke/negative i'm waiting jee....!
Posted 31 Aug 2003


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if this is true, we can add this movie to a growing list of anxiously awaited lollywood projects which will hopefully turn things around.

i would point out tho....the success/failure of larki punjaban might help/hurt the chances of people taking this new sayed noor movie seriously...
Posted 31 Aug 2003


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first things first, welcome to the board m-k-p (short form of your name...hope u don't mind!)

2 answer u're question i think you're right. YDAKH featured the same cast/crew 4 the most part, just updated technology and a change of scenery. thats all we want. up2dated movies, with decent stories and new locals! hopefully upcoming movies like larki punjaban, pehla pehla pyar, salakhein, laaj, and more will deliver on this....
Posted 31 Aug 2003


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i agree with both of u madiha718, and shujaslam! zain's voice has got a 'homo' sound to it. lol. but we all gotta be careful....i 4get who it was, but someone on this discussion board disagrees. lol. so watch out. they should have gotten someone like fakhir or even waris baig to do the male's voice. and shujaslam's right...he looked like a little school-boy, especially next to saima! if he wasn't that dark, he would have looked like her son. LOL. (actually wait....that's an insult to saima...i take that back. lol.) (j/k)

and madiha718, mudabar means 'classy' or 'well-known' or 'respected'...along these lines!

Posted 31 Aug 2003

Topic: 2 new dvds.


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you're 3 for 3! amazing!

as for urdu movies...uff yeh beewiyan is a pure comedy with moammar-saima-reema. very funny. other good ones include janat ki talash (shaan-resham-sana), pal do pal (moammar-resham-meera), and angaray (shaan-saima). i personally saw these and i can tell u that they're great. another good one is sapne apne apne. i have not seen it yet, but i heard it was very good.

which ones have u heard of or which ones r u planning on getting?
Posted 31 Aug 2003


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lol paki lion. weird reason not 2 watch the first ever pakistani movie 'premier', but a reason nonetheless. lol.
i can respect that, i guess....

lol. madiha718 does it really matter that she looked older? lol.
for me, its not that big a deal. i can understand where you're coming from tho...ah well...the movie will still do good, i think. and u can't deny, she presented herself as a cut above the rest (among pakistani actresses). she was mudabar! (i hope ya'll know what that means)!

Posted 31 Aug 2003


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shahrukh jee...dont worry! they re-scheduled the air date 4 will now air on SEPT. 5TH co match the release date 4 the movie!
Posted 30 Aug 2003


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shamyl khan stated at the musical premier that its coming out on sept. 5th or 6th (i didn't hear properly)...

but i didn't hear 26th....who knows tho?!

Posted 30 Aug 2003


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i don't think any pakistani dvd is available yet. they have some, but they're not original. as for this one, it may be, but u'd have to check in pakistan, ustaad jee (ayeshakhan_fanatic)!

Posted 30 Aug 2003


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best pakistani songs ever eh?!

hard question, cause all pakistani songs are excellent.

but i'll give u three that come to mind right now...

dam must qalander (nusrat fateh ali khan)
akhiyan udeek diyan (nusrat fateh ali khan)
dhola ve ghal sun dhola (film chooriayn, sung by azra jehan)

all three were SO big that they could be considered as national anthems almost for pakistan, when they were at their individual peak.
Posted 30 Aug 2003

Topic: 2 new dvds.


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congrats suhaibonline! great choices!

both are EXCELLENT punjabi movies. in my humble opinion, u have 2 of the 3 best ever punjabi movies made by lollywood. the other, is nikki jaee haan.

r u sure they're DVD tho, or VCD??
Posted 30 Aug 2003

Topic: Film City


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Originally posted by umair16

a film lab is for everyone being a urdu movie or pajabi

good! i would love 2 see a pakistani punjabi movie with the same quality as YDAKH! just as an experiment. lol. and for once it could take place OUTSIDE of the village! why can't a pujnabi movie's setting be in the city, say lahore perhaps?! lol. who knows...maybe this lab will change.....
Posted 29 Aug 2003


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*ahem*......thats lollyWOOD, nishu....lollyWOOD! lol.
Posted 29 Aug 2003


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paki lion's got a good point...

anyhow....nishu...hate's a stong word. we dont hate indians (only certain ones, and i'm sure its the same case for ya'll). as far as lollywood/bollywood goes, u should be greatful pakistani's watch your movies. we make up ALOT of your audience and we help make bollywood as big as it is.

and besides...i'm sure indians watch hollywood right?? and so do pakistani's! i know indians who watch punjabi pakistani movies, and even some urdu ones. so basically everyone watches everyone! movies are there for entertainment. if they're kept clean and the controversy (suny deol anti-pakistan movies)is kept to a minimum....its all good, no?!!!

and to answer your last question.....HELL YEAH lollywood satisfy's me!!!
Posted 29 Aug 2003

Topic: forums


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u could go 2 the following website, but nobody there seems 2 talk abt lollywood. but there is a forum on it...u might be able 2 change their minds!

hope that helps!
Posted 29 Aug 2003


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i saw this movie! its not 2 bad. other than the picture quality, the movie itself is okay. ajab gul (i think thats his name??) does a very good job. comment. lol. what can i say?? the lady has no talent. she should stick 2 modelling, and keep that mouth closed. lol. in my opinion she is pakistan's undisputed air-head. LOL. sorry if anybody likes her! i don't mean 2 offend anyone.
Posted 29 Aug 2003


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oh sorry! which post?? i will reply right now!
Posted 29 Aug 2003